A(s)I(an) and The Veil
By Luke Kim In their article “The Ghost in the Algorithm: Racial Colonial Capitalism and the Digital Age”, Ricarda Hammer and Tina M. Park (2021) use a DuBoisian perspective to argue that digital technologies not only rely upon but exacerbate existing colonial capital relations between the Global North and the Global South. Specifically, Hammer and Park note how the development of AI technologies uses nations in the periphery as experimental laboratories for surveillance and data collection. However, the way that AI is presented and received in the Eurocentric world, primarily through the modicum of East and Southeast Asian (ESEA) women, also rearticulates colonial ideologies of Orientalism through a technological gaze. In these two pictures, viewers can see the models of XiaoIce and Mitsuku, who are both AI chatbots developed by Microsoft and computer programmer Steve Worswick, respectively. In both cases, we can see the models are supposed to imitate the appearance of ESEA wom...